Make Your New Year Resolutions Count!

It's that time of year again, where we all make some kind of resolution. Is your resolution to lose weight? Get in charge of your finances? Get a better job? Get healthy?
If your resolutions are any or even ALL of the above, I have a simple solution for you! Impossible? Not at all...

Watch this video for inspiration on how you can find a rewarding business that not only supports your growing finances, but also supports your health and well being. USANA is a company that stands behind their business associates and provides all aspects of business support.

I started my new year with the USANA Reset program, which allows you to reset your glycemic index, meaning getting rid of the cravings for the bad carbohydrates (sugar, processed breads, pasta, potatoes, etc). I lost 5 pounds and my cravings. The Reset Kit provides all you need (except one or two servings per day of fruits or vegetables) in a 5 day program. You have 3 shakes per day, individually packaged in 3 flavors - vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, 2 nutrition bars a day in 2 flavors - oatmeal raisin and peanut butter chocolate, and essential vitamins packaged for your AM and PM doses.What better way to start a new year? I was amazed at how easy it is to follow. Many USANA Associates are currently following this program too, to follow their progress and / or get your own inspiration visit the USANA blog.